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Theory & Musicianship 101

Age 4 +

Programme Description

Aimed at beginner students, this course builds note-reading and listening skills while introducing basic music history to help students better understand their instruments and the music they are studying, and set a foundation for future musical pursuits or exam participation.

Through engaging in-class games and take-home assignments, students will learn the fundamentals of musical notation, including rhythm and pitch. Students from various instrumental backgrounds will explore the basics of the piano keyboard to help visualise scales. Topics such as tonalities, articulations, and expression markings will be covered.

From children's songs to classical music repertoire, students will listen to music from different eras and genres, discovering prominent composers and their works. Tailored teaching materials will be utilised, and students will be guided to complete final projects near the end of the course to showcase their learning. Certificates will be awarded upon course completion.

The course will be led by faculty member Ms. Janice Yip.

Class Rundown

15 min: review
20 min: what's new
5 min: preview next class's material

*Students' work will include in-class and take-home assignments

Course Materials

Aged 4-7: Music Theory for Young Children book 1 by Ying Ying Ng
Aged 8-12: Piano theory Introductory One, published by SPK Publishing

Content Overview

- Letter names
- Treble clef and bass clef
- Line note and space note (intervals for aged 8-12)
- note values (whole note, half note, quarter note, 8 th note, 16 th note, rests)
- time signatures (2/4, 3/4, 4/4)
- strong and weak beats
- barline, double-barline, measure
- high vs low notes
- keyboard: black vs white keys, recognition of patterns
- sharp, flat, natural
- key signatures
- ascending and descending scales
- up-bow and down-bow
- staccato and legato
- dynamic markings
- singing simple songs
- solfege, letter names
- major musical eras, composers and styles

Additional topics will likely be covered for ages 8-12 depending on progress, including:

- dotted rhythm
- intervals
- expression markings
- tonic triads of C, G, D, F major

Make Up Policy

During the package validity period, you may choose to reschedule your class up to 2 times. If you know you will be absent from your scheduled class and wish to reschedule, please send us a reschedule request by email or whats app.

Written notice should be received at least 24 hours prior to the class for absence due to reasons other than sickness.

Sickness rescheduling: Written notice should be received at least 3 hours prior to the class for sickness.

No Show. Absence without prior notice will be considered as forfeiting the class. No refund and no makeup class will be arranged.

Teacher Absence. Makeup lesson will be arranged for teacher's absence and sickness.

Weather Policy. If Typhoon Warning Signal No. 8 or Black Rainstorm Warning is lifted before 12 noon, the centre will reopen and classes will resume approximately two hours afterwards. Classes are cancelled for the entire day if the warning is lifted after 12 noon. No makeup class, no refund or alternative compensation are available for weather enforced closure.

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